
miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2017


Teníamos pendiente este reto y no hemos querido perder la oportunidad de seguir experimentando con nuestra tercera generación de torsos personalizados para nuestras figuras. Bueno, poco hay que decir, si os gustan es que hemos acertado. También queremos contaros que hemos conseguido  poder empezar a mezclar las piezas aplicando colores bastante parecidos a los originales de Playmobil.


We had this challenge pending and we did not want to miss the opportunity to continue experimenting with our third generation of personalized torsos for our figures. Well, little has to be said, if you like it, we are in the right way. We also want to tell you that we have been able to start mixing the pieces applying colors quite similar to those of Playmobil. 

6 comentarios:

  1. ¡¡Bravooooooooooooo!! ¡Geniales, Jose Luis! Habéis logrado captar la personalidad de los dos protagonistas: Aymar y Olivier. El pelo de Aymar no puede ser más apropiado, es exactamente el peinado normando. No pueden ser más iguales a los del comic. Y el detalle del halcón queda genial. Me alegro que mi aportación os gustara y que os haya hecho descubrir esta serie de comic que como ya te dije es la que veo más conectada a los temas de tu blog ;)
    Gracias por verlo tomar forma en Playmobil

    1. Efectivamente Diego, el “culpable” de estas figuras eres tú. Hemos intentando captar los personajes lo mejor posible. Además al cambiar los torsos creemos que ayuda un poquito a que tengan también cierto aire personal. Nos encantaría, ahora que estamos empezando a conseguir resultados probar con una figura montada. Ya veremos, dependerá del tiempo que tengamos. Muchas gracias por pasar. Un saludo

  2. Hello again! I'm very happy to see your version of sir Aymar and his faithful squire Olivier, they look great! I'm actually about to finish my own version very soon. I had never heard of this comic until I read about it in your previous post. With some effort I was able to find the first 10 albums (the original stories). Only the first 2 were available in english, but I was lucky to find the remaining albums in danish. I absolutely love it! It's a perfect source of inspiration:-)

    1. Thank you Sigve, I am sure that your custom figures are great. I would like to see them. I am happy also that you can find the books. We know the story throught Diego, when he told us about it. A great source of ideas indeed. Best regards

  3. I'm totally agree with you, Sigve. As you know, I've always seen this comic as a source of inspiration and documentation for creating dioramas. The adventures of Aymar and Olivier show us an amazing and so realistic trip to Middle Ages. I'm so glad you love that comic series. I personally love the second one, but the adventures in Holly Land (numbers 8 and 9) are so good too.

    1. Yes Diego. It is a beautiful theme that we love. A real inspiration for us. Thank you.
